Thursday, May 23, 2013

Appeals court allows capital retrial of Wolfe

A federal appeals court will allow a capital murder case to proceed against an accused drug kingpin from northern Virginia.
In a 2-1 ruling, the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond overturned a federal judge in Norfolk who had ordered a halt to the prosecution of Justin Wolfe and his immediate release.
That judge said misconduct by prosecutors in Prince William County made it impossible for Wolfe to get a fair trial.
But a majority on the appellate court disagreed. The judges ruled that a new trial can be done fairly. A dissenting judge said the misconduct was so bad that freeing Wolfe was the only proper outcome.
Wolfe was sent to death row in 2002 for a drug-related murder, but his original conviction and sentence were overturned.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Ky appeals court upholds murder conviction

The Kentucky Court of Appeals has upheld the conviction of a former death row inmate in a 1998 slaying in Lexington.

The appeals court on Friday found that 40-year-old Gerald Young failed to prove his allegation that prosecutors put on false testimony at his trial.

Young is serving life in prison for complicity to commit murder in June 1997. Young was originally sentenced to death for hiring a hit-man to kill Osama Shalash in Lexington as part of a drug dispute.

The Kentucky Supreme Court in 2001 overturned the death sentence, finding no aggravating circumstances to warrant capital punishment. Young is currently challenging his resentencing. Two other men were also sentenced to prison in the slaying.